San Francisco Bay Area Winter Food Garden Planting Schedule
I love growing my own food. Fortunately, where i live in the San Francisco Bay Area, it is possible to have a flourishing garden outside all year. I found a list of edibles that i can grow throughout the upcoming…

Magic Scarlet Runner Beans
Today i took a couple of my young, fit friends to go help some much older friends with a bit of gardening. In exchange for our labor, we got a delicious home-cooked lunch and a big bag of magic beans!…

Sometimes life brings you strawberries.
I love sitting on the front steps in the morning. Especially with just-delivered fresh organic strawberries.

Kale, Cauliflower, and a Happy Spring Garden in Oakland
My garden is excited for spring, and so am i… The purple dino kale is getting bigger every day, along with the lettuces and other assorted greens, and i’ve got heads of cauliflower the size of two fists! The rainbow…

Annabelle and the Oakland Art Murmur
I met a girl named Annabelle at the Oakland Art Murmur. She had a small folding table and a handwritten display (black marker on butcher paper – classic), where she was selling a selection of toy figurines that had been…

Occupy Oakland: ‘Move-In Day’ #J28
After the reasonably peaceful demonstration on November 2, i didn’t really expect much from this next major Occupy Oakland endeavor. In hindsight, i suppose i should have realized that attempting to literally take over a downtown building would not end…

Occupy Oakland: Nov 2 ‘General Strike’
The Occupy movement has certainly arrived in Oakland. After the recent injury of Iraq war veteran Scott Olsen, it seems everyone in the city is talking about the encampment in Frank Ogawa Plaza, now being called Oscar Grant Plaza. The announcement…

Heirloom Tomato Canning: Soups, Sauces and Salsa
I got a new pressure canner! This means i can now use a dramatically larger range of ingredients for preserving. With the boiling-water-bath technique, only high-acidity or high-sugar foods can be made — tomato sauces, pickles, jams and jellies, etc….