Céu at Herbst Theater in San Francisco: Photos
Brazilian artist Céu performs live at Herbst Theater in San Francisco. I took these photos with my phone (poor quality), but from excellent seats near the front (so i got a great view).

Symbiosis Solar Eclipse Gathering: Photos
I didn’t take many photos at this event, but this time for a different reason than usual… For the first time ever at a Symbiosis event, I was not directly responsible for the production, so i was actually out having…

Hamon Observation Tower at the DeYoung Museum
In the middle of Golden Gate Park, in the middle of San Francisco, there is a museum. And in that museum, there is a tower. From this tower, you can see all the way to the ocean, both bridges, and…

Heirloom Tomato Canning: Soups, Sauces and Salsa
I got a new pressure canner! This means i can now use a dramatically larger range of ingredients for preserving. With the boiling-water-bath technique, only high-acidity or high-sugar foods can be made — tomato sauces, pickles, jams and jellies, etc….

Symbiosis Stage at HowWeird Street Faire 2010: Photos
Symbiosis Stage at HowWeird Street Faire 2010 Featuring: BLVD Mozaic Majitope Little John Tony Inorbit Tomas Cruzio Jon Holliday Symbiosis Events : www.SymbiosisEvents.com HowWeird Street Faire : www.HowWeird.org

Burning Man 2009 Aerial Photos
The Great Dust Rave, from above: Thursday morning sunrise and Monday Exodus.

Burning Man 2008: Basura Sagrada
Entheon Village. Basura Sagrada. Abraxas. El Circo. Exodus. Understanding… Forgiveness… Acceptance.