Magic Scarlet Runner Beans
Today i took a couple of my young, fit friends to go help some much older friends with a bit of gardening. In exchange for our labor, we got a delicious home-cooked lunch and a big bag of magic beans!…
Quora: What is your ideal number of people to camp with at Burning Man, and why?
Quora Question: What is your ideal number of people to camp with at Burning Man, and why? Last year i had a major role in a camp of more than 200 people. This year i camped ‘renegade style’ with just…

Burning Man 2008: Basura Sagrada
Entheon Village. Basura Sagrada. Abraxas. El Circo. Exodus. Understanding… Forgiveness… Acceptance.

Chiavari with La Famiglia
A friend from Milan offered to take me along to visit his family in the Italian Riviera village of Chiavari to experience a ‘real’ Italian beach holiday. How could i refuse such a generous offer? We stayed with my…

Almost Local in Milan
Italians can be incredibly hospitable people. I recently met a group of friends at a festival here, and upon discovering we were all heading to Boom Festival in Portugal soon, they offered to host me with them in Milan until…

How to Eat Sun-Dried Shrimp
We were walking down a tiny residential street in Playa Mazunte, parallel to the ocean, dotted with tiny cottages where the local people reside in a version of paradise. Our momentary interest was taking photos of scenes from everyday life….