Yuri’s Night Bay Area at NASA’s Ames Research Center: Photos
Yuri’s Night Bay Area 2007, at NASA’s Ames Research Center, in Mountain View, California. www.YNBA.org www.SymbiosisEvents.com

Yuri’s Night Bay Area at NASA’s Ames Research Center
Yuri’s Night Bay Area: A Science and Sounds Expo NASA’s Ames Research Center Mountain View, CA 13 April 2007 Featuring Performances by: Plaid, Telefon Tel Aviv, Bluetech, and more… Special Guests: Anousheh Ansari – First Privately Funded Female Astronaut Chris McKay…
What Does It Mean to ‘Green’ an Event?
‘Greening’ is a term that refers to the process of making an event more ecologically responsible. Every event has unique challenges and opportunities, which makes it often difficult to discern the level of effort and fulfillment necessary to really be…

2nd Annual Symbiosis Gathering – 2006
Second Annual Symbiosis Gathering 21 – 25 September 2006 Angels Camp, California Symbiosis Gathering : www.SymbiosisGathering.com Flyer design by Jen Zariat.

Symbiosis Gathering 2006 Permaculture Intensive
Symbiosis Gathering 2006 4 Day Onsite Permaculture Intensive Course 18 – 21 September 2006 Angels Camp, California Covering Topics of: Basic Permaculture Principles Mycoremediation Animal Husbandry Renewable Resources Agroforestry The Healing Wisdom of Herbs Greywater Systems Swales and Gabons Natural…

Lowpro Lounge Stage at HowWeird Street Faire 2006: Photos
HowWeird Street Faire : www.HowWeird.org Lowpro Lounge : lowpro.tribe.net

Doof Festival 2006 – Kinneret Lake, Israel
There was music, dancing, and swimming in the lake, just like any other trance festival… …and then, suddenly, a stack of hay bales caught on fire. You’d think this would be a problem, but no. This is Israel. Fire… whatever….

Soulclipse Total Solar Eclipse Festival – Antalya, Turkey
Soulclipse Total Solar Eclipse Festival, near Antalya, Turkey 27 March – 02 April 2006 Soulclipse Total Solar Eclipse Festival : www.Soulclipse.com